This important new work consists of a detailed response to four questions important to anyone attempting to live in the Divine Will as Christ revealed to Luisa Piccarretta: 1) Is it true that to live in the Divine Will all one needs is to desire it? In other words, do you just need to feel a desire for it, or to tell God that you desire it in order to be living in the Divine Will (certain passages of Luisa’s writings seem to indicate this)? 2) Can you know if you are living in the Divine Will? If so, how? 3) What role does praying the HOURS OF THE PASSION and the Rounds play? Are they given to us as sure guides for living in the Divine Will? Does the fact that we utilize them serve as evidence (to God and to ourselves) that we are, indeed, living in It? 4) Does the coming of the Kingdom mean the return of Man to Original Innocence, to the sinless state enjoyed by Adam and Eve in Eden?