The Maximilian Kolbe Center for Creation Studies
Understanding of the origins of mankind and of the universe are critical to understanding that we must return to a state of “original holiness.” Jesus made everything perfect in the beginning, but evolution holds that creation had an original ugliness, disorder and lowliness. That is nothing to “return to.” Please take time to understand this critical issue so you can set your hopes on a return to divine beauty and order.
Countdown to the Kingdom
A small group of fervent students of prophecy — some of them genuine prophets themselves — have joined forces to consolidate relevant messages from heaven in a well-organized layout so that many souls might understand the times we are living through. This apostolate’s mission is to raise awareness of the times we are living through while pointing men and women of good will towards the era of peace: the very Eden we hope to focus souls towards. Please visit them for a treasure chest of heavenly messages and good interpretation.