

Dear family, friends and lovers of Jesus Christ, peace be to you!

We would like to announce a new apostolate with the heart of simply relating what Our Lord and his wonderful mother have shown us about

  • the fulfillment of the Our Father

  • the coming of the kingdom,

  • where we are in Church history,

  • the hope to cling to as we navigate the current state of the world,

  • what he wants to accomplish by the events we see around us,

  • the mission Christ wants his Church to accomplish

The ultimate aim of our feeble efforts is to bring more people of good faith to love Jesus as he is, grow in sanctity and strive after the original holiness of mankind. Hence, we take the name Eden Redux since Our Lord has told us he wishes to bring human souls back to the original state of our first parents, Sts. Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He will re-establish the divine sanctity he granted them in the beginning.

This is the real meaning of the prayer the Church has been offering for two millennia: "thy kingdom come." When the kingdom of Christ the King actually comes on earth, the will of the Father is going to be done on earth in the same way it is done in heaven -- impossible in today's world, but certain to happen after the King "makes all things new." (Rev 21:5)


There is much spin on current events that tries to make us think horizontally. Many voices point to man-made causes of things like coronavirus suffering, natural disasters, economic trouble, etc. Our good Jesus has told us how he not only "allows" but even sends events into the world to create situations mercifully beneficial to the salvation of souls, but patterned after his beloved Holy Cross.

The one basic point we are after, and the motivation we have felt so strongly in prayer, is to contribute in a small way to helping even a few souls see better with the eyes of Christ, to think with his mind, to put our unrestrained trust and confidence in him that the Father knows best! Our prayer is that everyone says not only, "Jesus, please protect me from this or that," but more: "Jesus, I want what you want! I don't want to have an opinion on what is better for my family, myself, my country. I trust you implicitly! Jesus, I really do trust you."


This is the heart of what Our Lord his heavenly mother revealed to a chosen mystic soul who died in Italy in 1947, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. In these revelations, we come to learn what the life in the renewed "Eden" of the Kingdom of the Father on earth will be like. Jesus titled his work, The Book of Heaven ... and it is heavenly in every way.

Please join us as we feebly attempt to reveal the heart of Christ to the broader Christian community as he showed us through his servants such as (but not limited to) Luisa. There is a joyful and very hopeful perspective that Christ brings us in these volatile times, and it all rests on the understanding of his plan. He has told us what he intends to do. Let's dive in and see!